Erected by, Captain John Cooney, of New York, in memory of his beloved father, James Cooney, died 8th May 1890 aged 86 yrs, His brother, Patrick Cooney, died 12 Jan 1866 aged 27 yrs, and his brother, Richard Cooney, died 27th Sept 1906 aged 64 yrs, and also his nephew, John Cooney, died 5th June 1903 aged 33 yrs, also Emilia Power, died 15th June 1938 aged 64, her husband James Power, died 11th Oct 1939 aged 65. On left hand side of cross, Also Richard Power, died 11th Aug 1946, Josephine Sexton, nee Power, died 2nd Dec 1972, her husband, James Sexton, died 22nd June 1982.