Major John Gallwey in memory
of his beloved wife Bridget Ellen
who died March 8 1836 aged 36 years
She excelled in every relation of life as
daughter wife and parent she practised those
virtues with which she was prominently endowed
the conviction that they secured to her
( through her Redeemers merits on which she humbly
relied) a blissful unworldly imortality can alone soften
the grief of her bereaved husband and children
and afflicted friends who rest in the hope which
can take from death its sting and from the grave its victory.
A soul more pure from form of clay more gain to heaven
ne'er winged its way
Beside the remains of his mother
Christopher, fifth son of the above John Gallwey
he died April 20th 1836 aged 6 years.
Barely legible