Erected by Rev Thomas Drea New House Co Kilkenny R.C. Pastor in the diocese of Hartford United States. In memory of his deceased friends who here rest in peace Viz his father Thomas Drea who died April 47 agd 75 years. His mother Brigid Drea Alias Walsh who died Novr 1854 aged 75 years. His brother Daniel Drea who died May 1828 agd 20 yrs, his sister Mary Neary alias Drea who died April 1838 agd 30 yrs. His sister Catherine Moore alias Drea who died May 1847 agd 30 yrs. His sister Margaret Walsh alias Drea who died December 30th 1868 agd 57 yrs. His brother Patrick Drea who died Jan 1871 aged 68 yers. May the lord have mercy on their souls. Right hand side of plinth. Brigid Donovan nee Somers formerly of Tinnamona Callan and Florida U.S.A. died 4th December 1887 agd 84. Annie Somers died 14th January 1991 aged 79 years her husband John died 7th january 1997 age 91. R.I.P. Blessed are the dead who die in the lord. Apocalypse X1V.13 Left hand side of plinth. It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead , that they might be loosed from their sins. 2 Maccab X1146
Celtic Cross on plinth in kerbed grave
Kerb Length: (cm) 270 Width : (cm ) 342 Height:(mm)106
Height: (mm) 106
Mr Edward O'Shea, of Messers. O'Shea and Son, Callan at the Dublin Exhibition of 1882 was awarded First Prize Gold Medal for a Celtic Cross of Tipperary limestone. He achieved similar success in Cork, where he was also awarded First Prize Gold Medal for a Cross of similar design and material.
While this double victory was fresh in the memory of his countrymen he entered the lists with sculptors of the United States at the Boston International Exhibition and secured yet another First Prize Gold Medal for a Celtic Cross.