Erected by Johanah Sheehy als Dunn of Ennissnag, in memory of her grandnephew Martin Dunn depd this life March 2nd 1834 aged 18 yrs.
May he rest in Peace Amen.
Christ crucified in temple, half sunburst in roof , skull and crossbones at Christ’s feet, Angel at his right and left sides, sun with face on top left and half moon with profiled face on right, two chalices and Gloria inexcelsis Deo
Large cross in relief at back of headstone with IHS avove the cross, and wording at base of Stone MEMENTO MORI (this translates Remember your mortality)
Johanah Sheehy’s family were the last owners of Ennisnag Castle prior to it being taken down.
Other burials not inscribed:
James Dunne died 30th May 1882 aged 34 years as a result of tragic shooting accident. His father Denis Dunne died 3rd May 1883, his brother John died? John’s wife Ellen nee Dunne died on the 16th March 1928 their son Denis Dunne died 28th November 1965 aged 69 years . Denis was known by the name Bricky by his association with the Ennisnag and Annamult Cricket teams.