Erected by James and William Maher in memory of their father Denis Maher of Annamult who depd this life on 31st July 1802 in the 47th Year of his age. Also his two children who died young. Of manners gentle of affections mild in truth a man simplicity a child. Above temptation in a low estate and uncorrupted even among the great. A safe companion and a steady friend thro' life, lamented in his end. the above named James Maher late of the City of Kilkenny departed this life on the 1st Sept 1821 aged 27 yrs. also Two of his Children Johanna & Denis who died young. Also his daughter Mary Maher who departed this life 26th Sept 1838 aged 21 yrs. May their souls rest in peace Amen.
Decoration above inscription IHS with superimposed cross two chalices D.O.M.
Deo Optimo Maximo meaning, to God the Greatest.