This is a complete and very elaborate R.S.. The Ins. is worn and broken in places and is very difficult to decipher in some areas. The lettering is in low false relief and the letter forms have some interesting Renaissance-style elaborations. The start of the Ins. is very worn. The HIER LEITH is difficult to be certain of and the LEITH may read LEIS. The words R@T FIZTHEIG Z ELYN LINCHE HIS WIFE are certain, as is the date 1566. The other segments of the Ins. are very difficult to be sure of. Fleetwood Berry (1912 B), 65 says of the first name that "In the centre of the O is the letter R and the name is evidently "R®RT" (perhaps an abbreviation of Robert)." The small letter could in fact be a B or an R but is now very worn. A small symbol which occurs near the lower right comer of the slab could be either a mason's mark or perhaps a merchant's mark associated with the owner. It appears to be conjoined P and I, with the I set across the base of the stem of the letter P. Such combinations forming monograms occur on doorways and other architectural fragments from elsewhere in Galway, (usually as merchants' marks). One occurs on an unprovenanced door dated 1600 now at University College Galway, and another dated example of 1577 occurs on the Athy Doorway (now on top of the Spanish Arch). The centre of the slab is decorated with three encircled Maltese Crosses. Between the uppermost and second of these is an inverted anchor. The middle cross bears two small hearts in the spaces between the cross-arms. The slab is highly worn and polished and the lower segment is damaged with some deep holes. A circular plug of concrete occurs in a hole in the stone after the date, and to the right of this another letter, a curved N or perhaps an S is set on its side. The Z of the second line is used as an