
Record Date: 
24 January 2025
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Near this place are deposited the mortal remains of ISAAC ROBSON, ESQUIRE, Manager of the Provincial Bank of Ireland at Galway, who was killed by a fall from his carriage on the 13th day of August 1836, Aged 36 years. This Tablet was erected to his memory, by those who esteemed his public and private character. May his sudden and awful death "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." PSALMS 90.12

Grave location
Additional details
Bur. Reed. Vol. 1 (1836), "Isaac Robson Esqr. aged 36 years was interred in the Church Yard of Saint Nicholas on the 15th day of August 1836. He died on the 13th Instant". Fleetwood Berry (1912 B), 73-4 gives the inscription on this stone. The Connaught Journal. August 13th. (1836). "Fatal Accident" (A long account of the accident with a quote from "Patriot" on the inquest at which a verdict of accidental death was returned). The Galway Advertiser. August 13th. (1836). "A Melancholy and Fatal Accident." (An abridged version of the above account).
People commemorated: 

A pseudo-Classical wall plaque with a central white marble plaque and a black marble surround. A squat white marble urn also occurs on the triangular pediment above. The lettering is Inc'd.. Also Inc'd. on the surround are two further Ins. in Palace Script reading "H Buck delin" and "H Clare Sculp.". The monument is discoloured by dampness.