
Record Date: 
30 September 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

The Remains of Bridget Ormsby who died 30th Novr 1822 aged 50 years and her Son John who died 27th Decr 1821 aged 14 Yrs Also the Remains of Elizabeth, Wife of Oliver Ormsby who departed this life 24th April 1823 in her [19th year were deposited underneath this stone]

Grave location
Additional details
Burke's (1976), 931-5 (for a detailed family pedigree). The Ormsby family settled in Ireland in the late 16th century. Fleetwood Berry (1912 A), 6 gives a slightly inaccurate reading of the inscription in which the 3rd and 4th lines of the inscription are omitted and the 5th line is inserted in the place of the 3rd. He also supplies about two further missing lines (in brackets above) which disappeared when the stone was trimmed down and reused. From his list it seems that the stone was still in the graveyard c. 1912. See also Kelly (1895), 88-91. Vestry Minute Books (Vol. II), June 21st. (1882). "Mrs. Ormsby - permission for a flat stone but not in future to grant permission for the erection of headstones."
People commemorated: 

This is a large R.S. which has been broken off and reused as paving in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. The Ins. is incomplete, the end of it is cut away. It also has a large crack through the centre of the slab and another at the bottom, both repaired in modem times. Neatly Inc'd. Ins..