
Record Date: 
30 September 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Her lies the Body of Iohn Cox Mathy (or Mathw) who died 8l the 5th 757 aged 47 years [a]nd six of his Children

Grave location
Additional details
Fleetwood Berry (1912 A), 1 records most of the inscription and also supplies some of the letters which are now missing. It would appear from his list that this stone was still in the graveyard c. 1912. Hardiman (1820), 223 lists John Cox as sheriff in 1723. In the Corporation Mss, now at the James Hardiman Library U.C.G. there are frequent mentions in the (mainly) unpublished Book C to "John Cox Mathw". In the same book a "John Cox Snr" (also a Burgess) is also frequently referred to. It would seem that the use of the third element in the name was an attempt to distinguish clearly between the two.
People commemorated: 

Part of a large R.S. now reused as paving in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Inc'd. Ins. in narrow letters. The use of the "8" to represent October also occurs on Nos. 290 and 311. See also Nos. 172 and 411 for other Cox monuments.