
Record Date: 
23 January 2025
Exact wording of epitaph: 

SACRED To the memory of Louisa Carr the beloved wife of Henry Carr of the Coast Guard Service who depart this life on the 23rd of Jan 1858 aged 57 yrs. She was an affectionate wife a tender parent & a generous friend, she fell asleep in the hope of a glorious resurrection through the merits of her Saviour. This stone was Erected by her son Henry Carr as a small tribute to her memory

Grave location
Additional details
Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1858), "Louisa Carr, abode Kinvara, buried Janry. 25th 1858, aged 57 yrs". The following people may be related The Galway Express. September 23rd. (1882). Married. "Carr and Me Alister - September 19th at the Church of St. Nicholas, Galway, by the Rev. Canon O'Sullivan, Mr. Henry Carr, Station Officer, Bayleek, Clifden, to Ellen, daughter of the late William Me Alister Esq., Railway Terminus, Galway". For death of Robert Me Alister, son of the above mentioned Station Master who died aged 20 in 1858 and was buried at St. Nicholas' see The Galwav Vindicator. April 24th. (1858).
People commemorated: 

A Rect. R.S. with Inc’d. Ins. and border. The word "SACRED" of line one is cut over a smaller inscription which seems to have read "ERECTED". Uncovered in 1991. The "S" of "She" on line 7 cuts across a letter "P". See also No. 332 for another Carr monument.