
Record Date: 
23 January 2025
Exact wording of epitaph: 

SACRED To the Memory of Mary wife of the REVD HENRY IVERS INGRAM Rector of Kilmurry and Garison Chaplin of the City of Limerick who departd this life on the 22d of August 1832 Aged [?56] Years This Stone has been placed here to mark the Spot where rests the Remains of A Good and affectionate Mother by her daughter [?Mrs] M Stephen Wife of JAMES STEPHENS of this Town

Grave location
Additional details
The Galwav Weekly Advertiser. August 25th. (1832). Died. "Mrs. Ingram On Wednesday at the residence of her son-in-law James Stephens Esq., Merchant's Road, Mrs. Ingram, widow of the Rev. Mr. Ingram, for many years Rector of St. John's Limerick". The Galwav Free Press. August 22nd. (1832). Died. "Yesterday at the residence of her son-in- law, James Stephens Esq., Merchant's Road, Mrs. Ingram, widow of the Rev. Mr. Ingram, for many years Rector of St. John's Limerick. This lady had only been in Galway for a short time on a visit with her daughter when she was seized with the present prevailing malady...". The "prevailing malady" was cholera. For Rev. Henry's daughter see The Galway Mercury. November 4th. (1844). "At Merchant's Road on the morning of Wednesday last, deeply regretted, Jane, the beloved wife of James Stephens Esq., T.C., Merchant of this town and daughter of the late Henry Ivers Ingram, Rector of Kilmurry and Derryglavin in the diocese of Limerick". See also The Galwav Mercury. March 28th. (1850) for marriage of"... Jane Mary, relict of the late John Bradshaw Esq., of Ballyfreen Co. Limerick, and daughter of the late Rev. Ivers Ingram, Rector of Kilmurry ..." to Alexander George Rogers. For other close relatives of Rev. Henry Ivers, Mary Ingram and James Stephens not commemorated on this stone see Library and Heritage Project Files (Under No. 262).
People commemorated: 

A Rect. R.S. with Inc'd. Ins.. Levelled up in 1991. For other related Ivers-Ingrams see No. 403.