
Record Date: 
30 September 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Underneath this Stone is buried the Body of the Reverend Henry Morgan. 22 Years Vicar of the Royal College of Galway, the Seventh Son of Charles Morgan of Monksfield in the County of Galway Esquire whose Estates descended to Him on the Death of his Elder Brother This Family are lineally de scended from the Morgans of Trealogar in the County of Monmouth. He died the 25th day of [M]ay 1840 aged 43 Years

Grave location
Additional details
Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1840), "Revd Henry Morgan, Vicar of the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas', abode Galway, buried May the 27th 1840, aged 46". Notice the difference in age given on die stone and in die Bur. Reed.. The Connaught Journal. May 28th. (1840). A long obituary. Died in College Road. "... The spirit of bigotry had never influenced him in his intercourse with persons who differed from him in religion". For Charles H., only son of Rev. Henry Morgan see The Galway Weekly Advertiser. September 13th. (1834). (Obituary). "Died ... At his father's house Nun's Island on the 8th instant, Charles Henry, only son of Rev. Henry Morgan aged 4 years and 10 months, after enduring with a most remarkable patience a painful illness (water on the brain) for nearly 7 months...". For other children of Rev. Henry Morgan and his wife see also the following birth notices The Galway Independent Paper. October 7th. (1829). "Birth. On Yesterday in Middle Street* the lady of the Rev. Henry Morgan, of son and heir". (This was Charles H. Morgan q.v. below). The Galway Weekly Advertiser. August 10th. (1833). "Birth. On the 14th. July at Nun's Island, the lady of the Rev. Henry Morgan, of a daughter". The Galway Express. December 27th. (1862). "Died. December 22nd, at Holies Street, Marion Frances, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Henry Morgan of Monksfield, Co. Galway". The Reverend Henry Morgan was one of the Vicars of the Wardenship. See Kennedy (1962-3), 93. "In this year (1828) the Rev. Henry Morgan (one of the Protestant Vicars in the Wardenship), local inspector of the Gaol was repremanded by the grand Jury for getting new suits of Female Convict Clothing at £3.15s each when his opposite number in the County Gaol got better stuff at £1.18. 7 each". For Charles Morgan, son of Charles Morgan of Monksfield see The Galway Independent Paper. May 23rd. (1829). Obituary. "Died on Thursday evening at his father's house, (sic.) Eyre's Square... Mr. Morgan was on the half pay of the 53rd. Regiment".
People commemorated: 

A large Rect. R.S. with Inc'd. Ins.. Uncovered in 1990. See also Nos. 181, 319 and 389 for other Morgans and No. 11(L) which is now lost.