
Record Date: 
11 March 2025
Exact wording of epitaph: 

This is The Burial Pleaces of lames Neal & Iohn Smith

Grave location
People commemorated: 

This is an Inc'd. R.S. which has been reused. The stone itself is a damaged segment of a large 16th or early-to-mid 17th century fireplace. It comes from the left side of the mantelpiece which originally consisted of three stones, with chamfered lower edges. There was a central sub- trapezoidal keystone with joggled sides and this was held in place by a pair of matching side stones, of which only the present one survives. It was decorated with groups of three incised lines formerly a series of stepped patterns and ladders of triple incised lines frequently occur. In this instance an attempt has been made to obliterate part of the pattern - an attempt which was abandoned. At this stage too an Inc'd. Ins. was added when it was reused as a gravestone. The stone has been reused secondarily to help level up a gravestone which in turn has been reused by setting it on its side as a retaining stone along the edge of the graveyard. See also No. 155 for a further Smith and No. 91 for another reused fireplace fragment. The expense ofproviding gravestones seems to have been too much for some people. Earlier monuments were often reused and, in two instances,even fireplace fragments were reused as gravemarkers.