Erected to the memory/ of JOHN WATTERS ESQUIRE,/ who from the year 1794 to 1834 held the offices of/ Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace of this City,/ died 28th May 1841, aged 74 years./ Also of Catherine his wife,/ who died 6th May 1862, aged 80 years./ Also of ISABELLA, wife of PATRICK WATTERS Esquire of this City,/ who died 11th October 1861, aged 39 years/ also of GEORGE AUGUSTUS, Assistant Commr of Forests I.C.S./ second son of said Patrick and Isabella,/ who died at Burmah 4th April 1876,/ in the 30th year of his age./ And of Lorenzo, Cape Volunteers,/ fifth son of the same/ who died at Grahamstown, South Africa/ 1st July 1878, Aged 23 Years/ and of KATE, Second Daughter of the same/ who died 15th May 1883
Mural plaque comprising a black-marble ground onto which is fixed a white-marble inscription tablet in the form of a stylised portico. A laurel crown carved in relief occupies the tympanum of the pediment.