Here lie the remains of Jno McDermott/ who dep'd this life Jan'ry 11th 1813 Aged/ 25 years Also Mary McDermott died/ June 24th 1793 aged 5 years & Anne/ McDermott dep'd Aug't 18th 1795/ Aged 6 yrs.
Inscribed headstone with rounded central feature and concave shouldered top. Within a circular sunburst there is an IHS surmounted by a cross with expanded terminals and heart below. A scalloped septagon surrounds the sunburst. On each side of the central design there is a gothic panel containing an elaborate urn with flames. There is a scroll below the central design with 'Gloria in excelsis deo incised'. There are incised foliage patterns between the panels and the central design, above the central design and below the scroll.