This Stone
was erected A.D. 1805
by Anne Fleming of Carlow
To the Memory
of her late Husband.
James Fleming Esq.
who died the 2nd day of July 1800
Aged 85 years
Lies interd here the Remains of
the above named
Mrs Anne Herring
who departed this life the 21st
day of May 1800
in the 67th
year of her age
and two of
their issue.
Arabella Herring
Aged 4 years
Fitzmaurice Cooper Herring
Aged 24 years
Also the body of Darby.
Herring Esq
who died the
15th April 1796 aged 65 yrs
Also the body of Mrs.
Hermina Herring
his wife
who died the 13th July 1816
aged 65 years