Noreen O'Leary
Died 17th Aug. 1???
Erected By
James O'Leary
In Memory Of His Mother
Mary O'Leary
Who Died 26th May 1903
Aged 55 years
Also His Brother
Daniel O'Leary
Died 22nd Oct 1916
Aged 41 Yrs
His Father John O'Leary
Died 24th July 1925
Aged 90 Yrs
His Sister Nora O'Leary
Died 26th Oct 1938 Aged 71 Yrs
The Above James O'Leary
Died 30th Oct. 1945 Aged 74 Yrs
Hannah Wife of Daniel O'Leary
Died 13th June 1947 Aged 73 Yrs
Nancy O'Leary Died April 9th 1966