In Memory of Samuel
Harden of Summer Hill
Borris -O Leigh, Co. Tipperary
who died February 9th 1830
Age 56 years.
His wife Jane Harden
December 18th 1817 *
Aged 69 years.
Their oldest son John H. Harden
who died July -th 185O aged 50 years
Their second son Thomas H. Harden
who died January 11th 1869 aged 61 years
Jesus said I am the Resurrection
and the life. He that believeth (sic) in
me, though he were dead yet shall
he live. John 11th chap verse
* For Jane Harden, it is difficult to determine whether her year of death was 1817 or 1847. It is assumed to be 1847, as this would tie in with the other dates