To the Memory of the Revd. JOHN ELLIS D.D.
35 years Vicar of this Parish,
12 of St. Catherine's, who in Piety & Learning
was an ornament to the Church, in all offices.
of Life an exemplary Pattern of good Works.
He died Octr. 7th 1764 Aged 77, & is interred in
one Vault Wth. his first wife MARGARETTA
& 7 children, his youngest son WILLIAM
Govr. of Patna in Bengall lost his life in ye
bloody Massacre there Octr. 5th. 1763 - another
Son & a Daughter named BRABAZON CATHERINE & his 2d. Wife ELIZABETH
Survived him. The first fo WHom has the melancholy task of thus commemorating
teh Mortality of his Family.
Some background info on the 1763 Patna massacre (