I H S / This Stone and Burial Place / Belongeth to
CHARLES REILLY / of the City Quay Gentn / and his
Posterity / Anno Domini 1766 / Here Lieth his Brother
Father / and 2 of his Children / & his Eldest Son
PHILLIP Departed this / Life ye first day of May
1770 aged 12yS / Also his Beloved Wife GRACE who /
Departed this life ye 30 day Novr 1772 / aged 36
years Also his Daughtr, MARY. / Departed this life
ye 10th Jany, 1773 aged / 4 Years / Here Lyeth the
body of the above / CHARLES REILLY who Departed this
Life the 8th day of March 1785 in the / 60th Year
of his Age. Requiescant in Pace