Here are Deposited the Remains of
Denis Guff of Roscommon who Departed
This life the 20th of May 1734 in th 64 year
of his age and ________ Guff_______
_________ life died the 20th Dec 176?
On the 74 year of her age _______ lie
The remains of May_______________
wife of Sho. Guff of Roscommon who depar
this life the 20 June 1737 in the 32 year of
her age as also the Remains of James Guff
The Eldest son of the above Denis Guff
who died the 15th day of August 177? In his
61 year of his age. This stone has been
Placed her by Thos Guff of Roscommon
The son of said Denis & Catherine mark
of the duty he owes to the memory of
his parents and his affections for his
wife & Brother
Broken at top
Stained from Lime applied to church