Within this enclosure repose the mortal remains of Lucinda Busby, born October 11*
1784, died Aug 2nd 1807. Harriet Busby, born July 8 1791, died July 13t 1816.
Samuel Busby, born Nov 21$ 1776, died April 19 1817. He was Captain in the 370
Regt. of Foot and visited, whilst in the service, various parts of Furope, Africa, and
America. Hannah, the beloved wife of John Busby Esqr. of Churchtown House Co.
Dublin, born 7th October 1748, died 7* October 1831. John Busby Esqr. of
Churchtown House Co. Dublin departed this life on 27' day of April in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven, in the ninety third year of his