To the Glory of GOD and in loving memory of four brave soldiers
Grandsons of the late Peter Connellan of Coolmore in this county
Who after distinguished service laid down their lives for King and country.
Peter Martin Connellan
Major Hampshire Regiment
Only son of Major Connellan
Killed near Armentieres
October xx MCMXIV
Aged xxxii years
Roger Cecil Slack
Major “The Buffs”
Third son of Sir Owen Slacke
Killed in the battle of Festubert
May xvi MCMX
Aged xxxv years
Henry Desmond O’Hara D.S.O.
Captain Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Only son of W. J. O’Hara R.M.
Died of wounds received in the
Gallipoli Peninsula August xxix
MCMXV aged xxiii years.
Percy Francis Gethin
Second son of Capt. Gethin
Killed near Mamets
June xxviii MCMXVI
Aged xlii years.
Non Sibi sed Patriae.