Pray for the soul of Henry Doherty who departed this life on the 24th Aug. 1862 aged 85. years. And of his wife Matilda Doherty who died on the 23rd Oct. 1873 aged 79 years. And also of their beloved children Thomas Doherty who died on the 18th June 1863 aged 33 years and Matilda Philips who died on the 23rd April 1878 aged 44 years May their soul enjoy life everlasting. Of your charity, pray for the soul of Kate Doherty alias O’Connor the beloved wife of James Doherty who departed this life on the 30th August 1889 aged 24 years. R.I.P. Also James Doherty died 20th April 1886 aged 55 years. Martin W. Philips died lith Mch. 1896; aged 70 years. Agnes Harper died -3rd April 1890 aged 25 years.. Nelly Philips died 18th Nov. 1893 aged 25 years.