In loving memory ofPeter Kivlehan, who died May 26th 1912 aged 4 yearsAlso of Rose Kivlehan, who died 3rd Sept 1914 aged 3 yearsAnd their grandmotherNorah Kivlehan, who died 5th July 1916 aged 66 yearsAnd her husbandPeter Kivlehan, who died 18th Feb 1927 aged 77 yearsAnd of their sonsMichael Kivlehan, who died 13th November 1948 aged 66 yearsand Patrick Kivlehan, who died 2nd March 1949 aged 75 yearsAnne Kivlehan, wife of Patrickwho died 11th June 1951 aged 78 yearsR.I.P.Brigit Kivlehan, wife of Michaeldied 17th Nov 1963Brigid Kivlehandied 21st April 1984