W. Fawcett Gilcriest J.P. Mem. Inst.1 Cel.- Borough surveyor died 31st January 1908 aged 43 years. Also John F. Gileriest J.P. F.S.L.L. and M.R.I.A.I. died 17th January 1911 aged 38 years. Also Isabella Gilcriest died 30th December 1914. Margaret. Pierce Gilcriest died 26th Dec. 1943. Thomas Gilcriest F.R.C.S.I. died 15th July 1950. In rememberance of Mary widow of the Rev. William Gilcrest, Weslayan Minister who died trading in the Alonemont of Christ on the 30th June 1864 aged 75 years. Also Fanny her daughter who fell asleep in Jesus 28th Nov. 1879. In memory of Thomas Gilcriest who died 26th February 1882. I shall be satisfied when I awake with the likeness. P.S. 17. 15. Also Mary his wife died 16th Nov. 1926.