This Monument was erected
by the Revd Francis Reilly
Pastor of Lurgan & the Revd
Farrell Reilly Pastor of
Drumlane in memory of their
Father Terence Reilly who
departed this life the 10th
July 1775 and of their mothr
Honora Reilly alias Clarke
Also in memory of their
Brothers Bryan and Owen
who died also in the year
Requiescant in Pace
The remains of the above Revd Francis
Reilly who died in the year 1808 aged 72
year and also of the above Revd Farrell
Reilly who was Bishop of Kilmore for 20 years
and died in the year 1829 aged 88 years are
laid in this tomb Requiescat quoque in pace.
2000 Survey Number: MG170
From: O’Connell, Phillip. 1923. Ecclesiastical History of Lurgan Parish. The Breifny Antiquarian Society's Journal, Vol. II, pp. 25-44, 1923-6.
“During the pastorate of Father O'Reilly thatched chapels and also schools were erected at Lurgan and Maghera. The old Virginia Register from 1774 to 1795 is continued in his handwriting. He died in 1808 at the age of 72. A native of Maudabawn, Cootehill, he was a brother of the Most Rev. Farrell O'Reilly, Bishop of Kilmore, 1807-1820. Both are interred, with their parents, in Moybolge where their tombstone has the following inscription:-
This Monument was erected by the Rev. Francis
Reilly Pastor of Lurgan and the Rev. Farrell
ReiIly Pastor of Drumlane in memory of
their father Terence Reilly who departed
this life the 10th July 1775 and of their
mother Honora Reilly, alias Clarke, also in
memory of their brothers Bryan and Owen who
died also in the year 1775.
R. I. P.
The remains of the above Rev. Francis Reilly
who died in the year 1808 aged 72 years
and also of the above Rev. Farrell Reilly who
was Bishop of Kilmore for 20 years and died
in the year 1829 aged 88 years are laid
in this tomb.
Requiescant in Pace.”
[Information uploaded by Brian Callaghan, 01 August 2017)
At Cavan, on the 12th instant, in the 31st year of his age, of typhus fever, caught in the discharge of his sacred duties, the Rev. Patrick O'REILLY, D.D., sincerely and deservedly regretted by all who knew him. The learned and accomplished divine went to Rome to prepare for the holy ministry in the year 1833, where during the course of his studies, he obtained the highest honours. After his return to his native diocese in 1838, he was appointed Curate of Cavan, where, from that time, he faithfully and zealously discharged the duties of the good pastor. His talents were of the highest order--his literary acquirements varied and extensive; and as a pulpit orator, he was simple, pathetic, and sublime. But above all, he was a zzealous and exemplary clergyman--the advocate of the distresssed and indigent, and the father of the widow and orphan, as far as in him lay. The inhabitants of Cavan and its vicinity, in every grade of society-- Protestant as well as Catholic--manifested the most anxious solicitude for his recovery during his illness, and their sincere sorrow at his death. May he rest in peace! His funeral was attended by a great number of the clergy of the diocese, and accompanied by a large concourse of the inhabitants of every religious denomination, to Moybologue, the family burial place, where his remains were interred in the grave of his uncle, the Right Rev. Doctor O'REILLY, late Bishop of this diocese.
Published in Cavan, county Cavan
April 2 1847