Erected by Richard Moylan of Ballyouskill in memory of his father
Richard Moylan who departed this life on the 8th day of August 1844 aged 78 years.
Also his brother William Moylan who departed this life the 9th day of January 1856 aged 31 years.
His brotehr Pat who died Oct 10th 1880 aged 68
His mother Mary who died Dec. 2nd 1880 aged 88
His nephew Thomas who died Aug. 1st aged 13
And Bridie of Kilmacow who died young
Mary Moylan died 9th April 1903 aged 76 years
Richard Moylan died 4th Sep 1938 aged 85 years
Also his wife Mary died 2nd July 1946 aged 80 years
Margaret Mooney died 29th Oct 1993 aged 75 years
Her husband Harry Mooney, Ballyouskill, died 14th May 1996 aged 85 years