Near this tablet
lie the remains of what was mortal of
Benjamin Giles Jun. Esq aged 31
who on the 12th day of March in the year 1795
in the prime of life and in the vigour of health, was
(in consequence of a fall from his horse)
snatched suddenly away from his disconsolate parents,
and form an extensive circle of afflicted friends, by
the irresistible summons of the king of terrors,
contemplate the fate of this amiable but unfurtunate young man, and
'Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.'
near the same spot is deposited the body of Jemima
(mother of the said Benjamin) Giles. She departed this life
on the 21st day of May in the year 1801 aged 70.
'If genuine piety, active benevolence, and true Christian Charity,
be a passport to the land of rest in immortality. Her surviving
friend may humbly hope, that she has obtained an asylum
in that blessed country, where only true joyes are to be found'
in the same grave is laid the body of
Benjamin Giles Esq
(consort of the above Jemima)
He died on the 31st day of October in the year 1801 aged 71
Universally beloved esteemed and lamented by all who knew him
Integer Vitae scelerisque purus
The chief obejct of his life was to inculcate both by precept and
example the favourite maxim that governed his conduct, that
an honest man's the noblest work of God.