In Loving Memory Of
Thomas Keogh
Died 9th November 1999, aged 40 years
His daughter Philomena Keogh
Died 3rd March 1982, aged 5 months
His grandmother Mary Keogh
Died 4th February 1969, aged 83 years
His father Guss Keogh
Died 7th April 2002, aged 77 years
His mother Ellen Keogh
Died 1st July 2008, aged 87 years
His wife Mary Keogh
Died 30th August 2012, aged 53 years
His sister in law Ann Keogh
Died 14th January 2014, aged 55 years
Rest in Peace
Just a prayer from the family who love you
We hold you close within our hearts and
there you shall remain to walk with us