In memory of Edward Thomas Herbert eldest son of the Rev. Henry Herbert Rector of the Parish of Ennisnag, who died February 12th 1834 agd 9 years and 10 months. On life's wild ocean Sorrowful and Pained, how many voyagers their course perform, this little kinder bark a kinder fate obtained , it reached the harbour ere it met the storm.
The location of this stone is at the rear of the Church.
Thomas was the eldest son of Rev. Henry Herbert rector of Ennisnag and Harriet Hannah Pope. The Rev. Henry was 2nd son of the Rev. Edward Herbert Archdeacon of Aghadow. He was born in Co Kerry c.1795 received a B.A. from Trinity College Dublin in 1817, and was ordained in 1819. His wife Harriat Hannah Pope was the daughter of Thomas Pope of Popefield, she died in January 1861. The Rev. Henry subsquently remarried.