Coordinates: 52.651718, -7.251800
Coordinates: 52.651718, -7.251800
Photo | Grave | |
KK-STMG-001 |
Sacred to the memory of /John Watters Esqr./ who from upwards of forty years/ filled the offices of Town Clerk/ and Clerk of the Peace/ of the City of Kilkenny /with Zeal and Fidelity/ He departed this life /the 28th day of May 1841 /Aged 74 years / This monument is erected /by his Widow and Children/ in Testimony of their love /and regret for him/ as a Husband and Father/ Blessed is the man that ... in the Lord/And whose hope -e Lord/ Sacred also to the memory of/ Catherine his Widow/ who died 6th May 1862 aged 80 years/ and of/ Isabella child of Patrick Watters Esq./ who died Oct. 1880 aged 39 years. |
KK-STMG-002 |
Here Lies the Body of/ Mr. Lewis Watters/ Who Died 27th April 17-- /Aged 74 years / " A tender parent and affectionate husband" |
KK-STMG-003 |
In loving memory of/ George Noble Duke who died December 30th 1930/, also his son/ Alexander Duke/ who died October 30th 1918/ and of his wife Helen Duke who died/ November 14th 1939 |
KK-STMG-004 |
261338 Gunner/ A.M. Duke/ Royal Field Artillery/ 30th October 1918 age 27 |
KK-STMG-005 |
In loving memory/ of/ William Tallis/, proprietor of/ Scotch House, Kilkenny/ who died Feb 2nd 1914/ at his residence, Kilkenny/ Also in Proud and Loving Memory of/ Harry Tallis/ H.M. Imperial Merchant Service/ who died of Influenza in the/ Royal Military Infirmary, Bristol/ Oct 20th 1918 aged 23 years/ Also/ Charlotte Tallis/ wife of the above/ William Tallis/, died Jan 14th 1944 aged 83 years/ Frederick Tallis/ Died Aug 3rd 1970/ Caroline Emilie Tallis/ Feb 26 1972/ To be with christ which is far better/ At Rest |
KK-STMG-006 |
In memory of my beloved husband Sergeant Robert Couse RIC who died 5th April 1914 aged 47 years, also 3 of his children who died young. Also William W. Couse died 6th Dec. 1916 and Mrs. Mary Couse, died 30th Jan 1945. Forever with the Lord. |
KK-STMG-007 |
In loving memory of/ Albert Hart/ who died May 28th 1931/and his wife/ Beatrice Hart/ who died June 17th 1937/God is love |
KK-STMG-008 |
In loving Memory of/ Robert George Stafford/ who died 25th Jan 1915 aged 64 years/ and his daughter Ellenor aged 2 months/. Also of his wife Hanora Stafford/ who died 16th Dec. 1950 aged 34 years. |
KK-STMG-009 |
In loving memory of/ Jemina Creagh Lougheed/ daughter of the late Monkton Carey Creagh/ & wife of Joseph Lougheed/ ex Sergt R.I.C./ of Kilmagrennon Co. Donegal/ who departed this life/ the 3th Oct 1912 aged 68 years/ Erected by her sorrowing husband/ & family |
KK-STMG-010 |
MAGNA SVIS LINQVENS MONVMENTA MINORIBVS HAECCE, MAXIMA MAJORVM SYMBOLA ROTHVS HABET SYMBOLUM + SALVTIS Ortus. quaeque. suos. redolent. animantia. primos. Et. redit. in. cinerim. qui. fuit. ante. cinis. Mens. superas. nunc. a[m]bit. opes. quae. era[m]biit. imas. Nempe. sui. memorem. structilis. urna. facit. Ast. redibiba. olim. quando. urna. refuderit. ossa. Juncta. animis. Deus. o. farit. ut. astra. petant. Hic. Jacet. Joannes. Rothus. Petri. filius. civis. praetorius. civitatis. Kilkeniae. qui. sacellum. hoc. cu[m]. Monume[n]to. sepulchrali. pro. se. urore. liberisque. ac. posteris. suis. fieri. fecit. an[n]o. salutis.1612. Ipse. vero. non tam obiit quam abiit 31 die mensis Januarii ano. Domini M |
KK-STMG-011 |
Illegible |
KK-STMG-012 |
Harriet Mary Anne/ the most dearly/ and most deservedly beloved wife of/ Revd Charles Butler Stevenson/ of West Court in this County and/ Rector of Callan/ who died the 4th day of July 1842/ aged 36 years/ also Mary his second wife/ equally deserving and equally beloved/ daughter of General Clegg/ of Blackford Hall Cheshire/ who died 25th December 1846/ aged 39 years/ also John Baskerville Stevenson/ child of second marriage/ who died 6th day of/ January 1847 aged 16 days/ Sacred to the memory of/ Reverend Charles Butler Stephenson/ of West Court/ Callan, Co. Kilkenny/ Rector who died at Zurich, Switzerland/ August 8th 1862/ second son of the Reverend George William /Stephenson Rector of Callan/ and Dean of Kilfenora and Killaloe/ The remains repose below also/ of Graham Reginald Thackery/ Lieutenant R.A./ who died at Allahabad India/ 7th January 1862/ aged 25 years/ also Frederick Graham who died/ at West Court December 1839 aged 2 years. / 3rd and 4th sons of the above/ also Mary Simpson of Richarby Hall/ Cumberland who died at West Court April 1842/ Great Aunt of above/ and also in memory of Georgina Rosetta/ 3rd daughter of the late/ Reverend Charles Butler Stephenson/ and dearly beloved wife of /John Charles Gardiner Resident Magistrate /who died 16th September 1903/ in her 73rd year. |
KK-STMG-013 |
Illegible |
KK-STMG-014 |
In fond and loving memory of John Mellon of this City who died 20th March 1895 aged 73 years. 'Simply To Thy Cross I Cling' Div Base Gargan BFCI/Kilkenny |
KK-STMG-015 |
Unknown |
KK-STMG-016 |
In loving memory of/ John Hamilton Whitcroft Esq./ Kilree/ who died November 12th 1877/ aged 76 years/ also his wife/ Catherine Hatton Whitcroft/ who went home Sunday October 27th 1878/ aged 52 years. They also which sleep in Jesus/will God bring with him 1 Thes. |
KK-STMG-017 |
Erected by/ Michael Brophy Esq. P.C./ in memory of his beloved wife/ Anastasia Brophy/ who departed this life May 24th 1875/ aged 32 years. |
KK-STMG-018 |
Thomas Francis Vernon Walshe born August 1870 died 25th December 1879/ Laura Gee Walshe/ Died 17th May 1876/ Francis Weldon Walshe/ Died 21 December 1899/ |
KK-STMG-019 |
40657 Private/ J. Morrison/ Royal Inniskilling Fus./ 29th March 1920 age 32 |
KK-STMG-020 |
side: Erected/ by/ David H. Creighton/ and/ Hannah his wife./ in Loving Memory of/ their dear daughter/ Ida./ given by God June 25th 1886/ taken by him 19th April 1889/ and of/ Claude./ their infant son/ who died 25th August 1888/ aged 11 days. Side: Also/ in loving memory/ of their daughter/ Lousie Jane/ who died 10th Dec 1899/ aged 10 years 2 months./ Among the throne in Heaven |
KK-STMG-021 |
Illegible |
KK-STMG-022 |
Illegible |
KK-STMG-023 |
Sacred/ to the memory of/ Edward S Larkan Esq., J.P./ Died/ 12th December 1874/ aged 83 years/Seek ye the Lord while He may be/ found call ye upon Him while/ He is near. (Issiah C55 V6) Rise saith my Lord make haste away/ No Mortal joys are worth Thy Stay |
KK-STMG-024 |
Harriet Lydia wife of William F.J. Hort R.M/ Daughter of Rev Charles B. Stevenson./ Born 19 February 1827/ Married 2nd June 1866/Blessed are the merciful they shall obtain mercy |
KK-STMG-025 |
Illegible |
The condition of the memorials in this graveyard varies greatly from excellent to badly damaged and vandalised.