
Record Date: 
24 January 2025
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Near This Place are Interr'D the Remains of Edward Eyre ESQR Son of Giles Eyre oF Brickworth near SaliSBURY in WILTshiRe ESQR TOGeTheR with his wiFe Jane Eyre, A Ver- TUOUS, ChariTable, Pius & in aLL RespecTs an ExceeD nG GooD Woman, Three Sons & two DAuGHTers Their ChilDren He was a Thorough Honest Englishman Which pLain Character Bespeaks him Eminently possess'D oF aLL GooD & Vertuous QuaLities He LiveD Greatly BeLoveD By aLL that Knew him & DieD Much LamenteD on ye 14th oF ApriL 1683 In Memory oF so Worthy a Father & Mother their Duteous Son Edward eyre of GaLLway ESQR has ErecteD this Monument Here also Lies Ed d Eyre Esqr Who Erected This Monum1, He DieD ye 5th of Nour 1739 Aged 76 yre He Married Jane ye Daughter of Sr Wm Maynard oF Walthamstow in Essex Bar1 By her he had 4 sons & 5 Daure, His Wife & 3 Dau” Suruiued him He Left LarGe Charity to Build an Alms House and to Maintain 12 Poor for Euer

Grave location
People commemorated: 

A white marble plaque in a limestone frame. The Ins. is Inc'd. in conjoined script and capital letters. The use of small lettering and capital writing is mixed throughout. The Erst part of this Ins. is also Inc'd. on the gravestone in St. Patrick's Chapel. The section from "Erected This Monument" onwards has narrow Inc'd. layout lines whereas the upper part of the Ins. has hone. The frame around the plaque is Inc'd. with a running pattern of leaves and with fleurs-de-lis at die comer. These do not correspond exactly, and in one instance there is a large blank space big enough to accomodate another segment of foliage. A small, extra lozenge occurs at the joining of leaves at the top of the stone. It is possible that the frame has been reassembled.