
Record Date: 
23 January 2025
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Here lieth the Remains of Joseph Caddy who Depd this life 15 Iuly 1796 Agd 50 Yr8 Here also lieth the Remains of Henry Cox who Dep^ this life 26 Jan 1829 Agldl 98 years who was Sexton of this church 7 Yrfsl And his Wife Mary Cox Deprted this life 2 May 1836 Agd ?76 Yr8 Here lieth the Remains of a true faithfull wife and mothr Mary Caddy who Depd this life much regretted on the 17th March 1833 Agd 40 Yr8

Grave location
Additional details
The Galway Weekly Advertiser. January 31st. (1829). "Died. On Sunday night Henry Cox, Sexton to the Church of St. Nicholas of this town. He lived to the advanced age of 98 and filled the situation of Sexton upwards of 80 years." The Galway Independent Paper. January 28th. (1829). Information as in last reference. See also The Galway Weekly Advertiser. December 8th. (1838), "The late Outrage on the sexton by O'Connells agents". In this article Mr. Henry Caddy, Sexton of the church, is referred to. He is obviously related to Joseph Caddy commemorated above. For another Joseph Caddy see Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1839), "Joseph Caddy, abode Outerard, buried November 4th 1839, aged 25". This person may be related to the above mentioned Caddys.
People commemorated: 

A Rect. R.S. with Inc'd. Ins.. The age of Henry Cox is very hard to decipher. It is 98 according to the following reference. See also Nos. 316 and 411 for other Cox monuments.