
Record Date: 
30 September 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Here lie the remains of Lloyd Laing eldest son of William and Maria Laing of Galway who was bom on the 22nd Augst 1836 and died on the 2nd Novr 1838 This tomb was erected to his memory by his fond Grand Mother Mrs Maria Lloyd Burke Ah why so soon just as the bloom appears strayed the bright blossom from this vale of tears Death viewed the treasure to this world given claimed the fair flower & planted it in heaven

Grave location
Additional details
Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1838), "Laing, abode Galway, buried Nov. 3rd 1838, aged 2 years". The Galway Weekly Advertiser. August 27th. (1836). Birth, "On Monday last in Dominick Street, the lady of William Laing Esq. of the National Bank, of a son". The Galway Weekly Advertiser. December 10th. (1838). (A poem). "Lines on the death of Lloyd Laing, eldest son of William Laing Esq., of Dominick Street, who died on the morning of Friday, the 2d of November, 1838, after a few hours illness, aged two years and two months, and whose endearing qualities, as a child, will make him ever sincerely and justly regretted by his afflicted parents, relatives and friends". "God takes the good, too good on earth to stay And leaves the bad, too bad to take away...." For Maria Lloyd Burke see Bur. Reed. Vol. 2 (1864), "Maria Lloyde Burke, abode Dominick Street, buried April 12th 1864, aged 76. See also the following who may also be buried here Thomas Richard Laing, brother of Lloyd Laing The Galway Vindicator. November 30th. (1867). (Death notice). "On Monday 1st, at Dominick St. at the residence of O.A. Warren Esq., Mr. Thomas Richard Laing, Manager of the Provincial Bank in this city and grandson of Mrs. Burke of Annagh, in the 23rd year of his age”. The Galway Express. February 15th. (1868). (Death notice). "Laing. February 10th at 13, Upper Dominick St. of gastric fever, Thomas Richard Laing, aged 22 years".
People commemorated: 

A R.S. with a rounded top. Inc'd. Ins. The verse is also Inc'd. but unclear in places. The stone is split along its length.