IN MEMORY OF THOMAS STOKES WHO DIED IN GALWAY APRIL 6™ 1875 IN THE 63rd YEAR OF HIS AGE Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not The son of man cometh Matthew 24th Chapter 44th verse
On either side of the bottom of the stone the words "The Marble Mills" and "Galway" occur. A table-tomb which is tilted sideways to a considerable extent and has sunk in the ground. The large capstone has a chamfered edge with evidence of tooling. The main Ins. is Inc'd. in capital letters. The verse from Matthew is written in lower case lettering. Under the inscriptions there is a circular depression in the stone which retains a corroded piece of iron in its centre. This is a repair made to a flaw in the stone. There are also some cracks around the edges of the slab but apart from this, the stone is in very good condition.