
Record Date: 
30 September 2024
Exact wording of epitaph: 

Beneath this /tone the humble Tribute of /ir[ ] ing affection to departed Virtue are interred the Remains of Susanna Wife of the Revd Robert Shaw she died on the 29th of May 1800(?) in the fiftyflfth year of her age /incerely deplored by her aff licted Family and friends Here are also deposited the Remains of Martha daughter of the /aid Robert and Susanna Shaw who died in the bloom of life on the 23d of September] 1806 universally lamented in the twentyfourth year of [her] age Here al/o are depo/ited the Remains of Edward Shaw E[s]qr M.D. who died on the 25th of January 1813 in the 29th (or 20th) Year of his Age.

Grave location
People commemorated: 

This graveslab has been reused as part of the paving around the church. It is slightly cracked. The Inc'd. Ins. is still clearly legible, except for the first date which is uncertain. It may also be 1808. See also Nos. 26, 78, 255, 272 and 414 for other Shaws.