In Loving Memory Of
Julia Harford
Died February 1907
Her Husband Patrick
Died October 1941
Their Daughter Mary
Died January 1942
Also Interred Here
Thomas Harford
And His Wife Annie
Their Son John
Also Their Three Children
Please refer to Grave ME-CLVY-0072 for further family details.
This Plaque replaced an old headstone with the following wording
This stone was erected here Anno Domini 1871 by Thomas Harford
and his son John in memory of his wife who departed this life the 23 of
May 1810 aged 44 years. Also three children.
Julia Harford died February 1907.
Her husband Patrick died October 1941.
Their daughter Mary died January 1942.
Josephine Harford died September 1964. (Josephine is also recorder on Grave ME-CLVY0072)