Sacred to the Memory of
James Bell C.E.
38 Years County Surveyor
of Longford Died at his
Residence Newtownforbes May 10th
1872 in the 77th year of his age
This Tablet is Erected by his Sorrowing Widow.
‘’He will Swallow up Death in Victory
and the Lord God will wipe away
tears from off all faces’’ Isaiah 25 C 3 V
Sacred to the Memory of
Kate, daughter of
James Bell and wife of
Herbert Taylor-Ottley C.E.
Mayolee Lodge Co.Londonderry
Died Dec 7 1857
in the 32nd year of her age
Also to the Memory of the above
Herbert Taylor-Ottley C.E. youngest
Son of the late Warner Ottley of
York Terrace, Regents Park, London
in the 36th year of his age.