CV-MOOL-0346 contains a listing of 18 known or recorded burials in Moybologue old graveyard, the exact location of which in the graveyard is unknown.
Patrick Lynch, Victualler from Bailieboro, Baptised 05 Feb 1838. Son of John Lynch and Anne "Nancy" Lynch née Clarke. Elizabeth Lynch, née Cole. Daughter of John Cole and Rose Cole née Dunne. Information provided by Connor Lynch, November 2014. Entry No. 3 to 14 above received from Roseabby McGorry on 18 Jan 2018 as transcribed from Shercock - Killann Parish Register Burial Book. Entry No. 15 above received from Roseabby Mcgorry on 18 Jan 2018 as transcribed from Maudabawn Parish Register Burial Book. Entries 16, 17 and 18 received from Anne McCabe, February 2018.