CV-MOOL-0346 Contains a listing of 18 known or recorded burials in Moybologue old graveyard, the exact location of which in the graveyard is unknown.
Jane O'Reilly born C. 1900, died C. 1934/1935. Married Edward O'Reilly in 1929. Edward O'Reilly is interred in St. Anne's Cemetery. Bailieborough.
Information received from Brendan Cullen, Wicklow, May 2014.
Entry No. 1 above, additional information received from Roseabby McGorry on 18 Jan 2018 transcribed from Shercock - Killann Parish Register - Burials
Entries No. 4 to 15 Above were received from Roseabby McGorry on 27 Jan 2018 as transcribed from the Knockbride Register, 1922 onwards.