CV-MOOL-0345 Contains a listing of 3 known or recorded burials in Moybologue old graveyard, the exact location of which in the graveyard is unknown.
Information on first and second person received from Jane Smyth Donnellan, 09 September 2017.
Information on third person received from Carmel O'Callaghan, 07 August 2018.
Anglo Celt dated 11th October, 1913 - Extract from Bailieborough Petty Sessions
Trespass on Graves
Mr. Terence O’Reilly, Corlattylannon and Patrick O’Reilly, R. D. C., Bailieborough, summoned Laurence Mulligan, John Greenan, James Reilly and Terence Donnelly for trespass on their burying ground in Moybologue graveyard. Mr. McBreen, solr., appeared for the complainants and Mr Chambers, solr for the defendants. The evidence was to the effect that the complainants had a burial ground in Moybologue and on 21st September last the defendants took the body of Nancy Mulligan or Lorish from the Bailieborough workhouse and buried the corpse in their ground. The defence was that the grave was claimed by the Mulligan family – a fine of 1s each was imposed on the defendants but the magistrate refused to make an order to have the body removed. This concluded the business.
Anglo Celt dated 18th October, 1913
Moybologue Grave Case
Mr. Terence O’Reilly, Corlattylannon, writes us that it was incorrectly stated in our Report of the Bailieborough Petty Sessions, in last issue that he was refused an order for the removal of the body of a woman named Nancy Mulligan or Lorish from his burial plot in Moybologue graveyard. He says that he “got the order that day from the magistrates for the removal of the body and that he had it exhumed and buried in another grave”.