Mrs Agnes Kavanagh wife of
Mr Charles Kavanagh died ye
26th May 1751 in ye 50th year of
her age. Ye Lord God have
mercy on her soul.
Ceann na céille agus
croidh na feile.
On the other side lies Mrs.
Mary Kavanagh, his second
wife, who died ye 17th of March
1769 aged 50 years.
In the middle he lies himself
he died ..............
aged ...... yrs. Lord have
mercy on his and all their souls
Kavanaghs lived in Kilmacar Castle. They succeeded the Byrnes who had succeeded the Payes
The monument inscription was taked from Canon Carrigan's History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory.The inscription is verifiable but not as legible. Basically, Charles is buried in the middle and his wifes are on either side.Canon Carrigan also states that the "Castle fell in a storm St Martin's night 1780, crushing to death a herd and his family who happened to be living in it at the time". St Martin's night is Nov. 11th
Charles Kavanagh's Will
Charles Byrne, late of Kilmacar but now of Dublin City, Esq.: my d.r Mary Anne; my son Dudley Colclough Byrne; my brt.r John; my br.r-in law Caesar Colclough Esq. In debt to me for my wife’s fortune £1000. My d.r Alice; my d.r Margaret; my d.r Frances; - minors; my wife Margaret ex.., my sons James an Caesar Byrne.
March 21st 1751-March 6th 1752