Here lieth the body of
John Mahoney of Monslatt.
He lived esteemed and died
regretted the 7th July 1785
aged 81 years. Also the body
of his wife Elenor Mahoney
alias Stapleton she died
12th March 1801 aged 78
years. Erected to their memory
by their son James Mahoney.
Also the body of Honour
Corcoran departed March 17th
1817 aged 20 years. May she
rest in peace, Amen. Also
her mother Mary Mahoney
who died October 18th 1818
aged 56 years. May she
rest in pace, Amen. Also her
husband Richard Corcoran
of Upper Graigue who departed
this life May 21st 1871
aged 72 years. May their
souls rest in peace, Amen.
Erected by his son Dan.