Memento Mori
Sacred to the memory
Timothy Doyle late of Bishops Street
in the city of Dublin Builder
who departed this life on the 6th day of April
1807 in the 64th year of his age
Ann Doyle his wife who died in
November 1786
and of
John son of the above Timothy and
Ann Doyle who died in September 1801
May they rest in peace Amen
This mournful tribute of filial and fraternal
affection was errected by the only surviving
son and brother Dennis Doyle
Here also is placed
The body of the above named Dennis Doyle
who departed this life to the great sorrow
of all his friends
but mos of all to that of Jane his widow
November 7 AD 1816 aged 33
who adds this testemony of his worth
and of her own affliction
Requiescant in Pace