This tomb was erected for
William Wa---op of
life Apri ye 9th 1741 in the
years of his age 91/21
William Wauhope c1705-1780 came from Co Down and married Margaret Hunter from Ballyjamesduff and they settled in Drumcarrow, Carnalynch, Killinkere.
They had four sons George, James, Edward and John.
John married Margaret Gibson and they had several children amongst them, James died 1793,Hugh 1777-1841, Thomas 1780-1839 William (married Jane Adams) and Joshua.
Joshua born 1782 (Died 1850) married Margaret ? and they had Marianne (married Charles Parr on 17.1.1851 and Elizabeth who married Jack Moore from Moore Lodge Co Down on 23.9. 1951 And John Born 1833.
John Wauchob 1833-26.12.1913 married Dorothea Orr (1842-18.8.1915) on 30.5.1861.
They spent some of their time in UK and USA and returned to live in Carnalynch where John was a farmer and Auctioneer. (1911 census states John and Dorothy were 50 years married and had 11 children 8 of whom were living) . Their children include William Edwin born 25.3.1873 , Emelia Dorothy c1877, James Alfred 30.5.1880 emigrated to Alaska as a miner in May 1910, Louise Frances married James Alfred Lambe from Armagh in Oct 1894. ? Pauline E c1880 and Lilian Gertrude M John McConachie (Portrush, Co Antrim) 16.03.1909 also
Helen Margaret born 3.9.1884 married William Roundtree from Carnaveigh on 19th Nov 1911. They had three children. Charles Wauhope born 19.11.1911 and twins Dorothy Sarah and Willian Alfred born 13.1.1914. This family then moved to Carlanstown Co Westmeath and William died on 6.9.1931 and Dorothy on 9.5.1934 RIP. Charles went on to marry Mary Violet Walker on 22.6.1939.
Anglo celt 5.10.1912 advertisment of lands for sale of Johnh Wauhope , Auctioneer and farmer , 54 acres at Carnalynch with 2 story house. John died on 26.12.1913 aged 80 years . Dorothy died on 18.8.1915 at the home of her daughter Helen in Westmeath.Many of this family are buried at the church in Bailieborough .
Information taken from census, BDM and Anglo Celt can be considered accurate but some of the information can not be authenticated .