Dineley's "Observations on a Journey" in 1681 records this memorial as having the epitaph " Here lyeth the body of William Lewellin Esquire sometimes Alderman of this town, who departed this life the fowrth day of May in the years of our lord 1628.
In Samuel Hayman's " Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Youghal" 1854, the monument to William Lewellin is described thus:" A large mural monument, to the memory of William Lewellin, was erected within the arch in 1628, and the window was partly built up to support his effigy."
A recent plaque placed here reads "William Lewellin Mayor of Youghal 1620.Obit 1628."
The fourth photograph is of the page in DIneley's work in which he has sketched the monument to William Lewellin.