Here lieth...Margret....
In Thomas Dineley's "Observations on a Journey" 1681 there is a sketch of a flagstone with an inscription around the edge (as this one is) ,which reads:"Here lyeth the body of Margaret the daughter of Richard Smith who was buried this xx day of March MDCXXXVII. IB.R.B.Look o but cease your tears and do not weep, My death no death is but a pleasant sleep,O blessed sleep to me that am both free. From sting of death and from death's victory,O death where is thy sting where is thy power, I do triumph in Christ my saviour,Cease to lament sith I am now in bliss,Though here entomb'd my soul in heaven is."
In 2012 the only epitaph which this reader could discern was "Her lieth....Margret"