In memoriam
Her Royal Highness
Penelope Carolina Princess of Capua
daughter of Grice Smyth Esqre
of Ballynatray Co.Waterford,
born 19th July 1805, died 13th Decr 1882.
The beloved wife and faithful widow of
His Royal Highness
Carlo Ferdinando Di Borbone Prince of Capua
who died 22nd April 1862.
This memorial of a devoted and lamented
mother is erected by her loving and
beloved son & daughter His Royal Highness
Francesco Carlo Di Borbone Prince of Capua
and Her Royal Highness
Vittoria Augusta Ludovica IsabellaAmalia
Felomina Helena Penelope Di Borbone (Capua).
Blessed are the dead which
die in the Lord. Rev.xiv.13.