In Loving Memory of
Mary [ Mai ] Quirke
died 16th Nov 1997 Aged 82 years
her Husband John Quirke
died 1st Dec. 1951. Aged 43 years
her Mother-in-law Ellen Quirke
died 11th March 1946. Aged 75 years
her Sister-in-law
Margaret Gleeson [ nee Quirke ]
died 7th Aug 1948. Aged 31 years
also Nellie Quirke
Rest In Peace
DEATH NOTICE Cork Examiner Tuesday 12 March 1946 Price: Twopence
Quirke [Pilmore] - On March 11, 1946 at her residence, Pilmore. Ellen, relict of Patrick Quirke. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing family. RIP. Funeral on tomorrow [Wednesday] at 3pm [S.T.] from Gortroe Church to Clonpriest.
Death Notice Cork Examinr Monday 9th August 1948 Price: Three Halfpence
Gleeson [Wilton] - On August 7 1948 at her residence, Hill View, Wilton - Margaret Gleeson. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband, child, brothers and relatives. RIP Funeral will leave St. Ita's Church Gurtroe at 2.30 o'clock on this day [Monday] for Clonpriest Cemetery.
DEATH NOTICE Cork Examiner Monday 3rd Decemvber 1951 Price: Twopence
Quirke [Pilmore] - On December 1st 1951 at the North Infirmary Hospital, Cork. John Quirke, Pilmore, Youghal. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, children, brothers and a large circle of friends. RIP. Mass will be celebrated at Gurtroe Church at 9am today [Monday] at 3pm for Clonpriest Cemetery